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server dreams

Restaurant Server Dreams

Every server has their server dreams.  Let me see if this sounds like anyone else’s. I show up for work.  Despite it being a very busy shift the last several weeks, we still only have two servers in the entire dining room.  No busser, food runner, or even a host.  The kitchen is on a […]

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restaurant terms

Restaurant Terms From The Side Station

You’ve probably heard that Eskimos have over 9000 words for snow, but none for whatever term that furthers the point of person using this statistic.  This is a commonly accepted urban legend.  In reality, societies create words to describe whatever the need to communicate.  Language evolves to meet the needs of the society that uses […]

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Random Thoughts From A Server IV

I ended last week writing about a very serious topic, but one that I felt needed to be addressed.  I’ve decided that in order to help raise the spirits on this special day that I should add a post to Restaurant Laughs.  I haven’t posted an installment of the “Random Thoughts” series in a few […]

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The New Restaurant Laughs Blogroll

For the last few weeks I have been searching for the best restaurant humor sites on the web.  These will populate the new Restaurant Laughs blogroll on the right side of the page.  These sites represent a cross section of the online humor sites that deal with food, restaurants, and serving.  This list is in […]

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Random Thoughts From A Server III

It is time for a return of one of the most popular features on this blog. We all have funny thoughts throughout the course of our shifts. I’ve started writing mine down. Occassionally I share them. They have no cohesive theme or timeline. A server thought of them. That makes them random thoughts from a […]

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